Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Well, looks like I have the wrong sort of cancer...

My radiation doc spoke to a specialist in B-ham today. She doesn't think I'll be a good candidate for Mammosite because my cancer is too aggressive. In case you know stuff about b.c., to be more specific my DCIS has a comedo histology. Comedo. What a word to use to describe aggressive cancer. Why not tragedio?? Doctors are such a riot.

I'm getting a second opinion, but after doing some further reading, it looks like that's the popular take on it and I'll be surprised if the other doc says anything different. So it's back to the idea of 8 weeks of radiation. I wouldn't mind so much if the receptionist at that place hadn't been such an arrogant, rude-ass bitch to me today. What an absolute horror of a woman. She looks like a walking corpse too, which is a great sight to see when you come in for a cancer treatment. OK, I shouldn't have said that even though it's true, but it was unbelievable to me how rude she was to me for no reason whatsoever other than apparently she was having a bad day. She is in the wrong line of work.

Apparently I ate something today that didn't agree with me. I am sick as a dog and it's irritating as hell, because today I was 100% NS all the way down the line. Oh, well. My body is probably still trying to process all that pizza.


Blogger Unknown said...

I am sorry to hear that you have to go through the 8 weeks! Just keep a positive mindset. I know it is hard but I have seen that make all difference with my patients. I truly believe if you feel you are going to have a positive outcome, then you will. It's like thinking as you are leaving the house for work, "I am going to have a horrible day. I know work, school, whatever, is going to be awful today", and guess what, it is. There are studies now that lead to the conclusion that your mindset affects so much more than we ever thought possible. It affects much more than just your attitude (even your attitude is a lot!). Lots of us in cyber space are thinking of you! I know from your posts alone that you are a strong woman. I think you will do fine whatever treatment you end up having.

12:25 AM  

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