Sunday, May 29, 2005

A sleep-over!!

My granddaughter spent the night with us for the first time last night. About time; the child is 3 and a half! We had a blast! We went to the cinema and saw Madagascar (cute, but nothing much to see here folks), which was her very first time to go to the movies. She only had to go pee twice. She's so little that the seat kept trying to swallow her alive, but she sat in our laps and did fine. We came home and crashed out on the sofa. This morning I got up and made breakfast. Anyone who knows me is saying WTF at this point ( I. don't. cook.) Yep, biscuits, bacon and eggs, the whole nine. She played with the jelly and then asked for some leftover pizza. :::sigh::: I asked her what she usually ate for breakfast and I swear to you, the child said, "Candy.". I wouldn't be too surprised.

We did some yoga, we played Monsters Inc. on the LeapPad, we played with rocks in the yard, we rubbed Freia the wrong way but we managed not to get bitten. It was fabulous.

After she left, the rum started to flow and the day deteriorated from there.


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