Saturday, May 28, 2005

OK, I'm the worst friend on earth.

Remember Mel? My friend who lost her legs the day after my surgery? Well, it turns out she didn't lose them after all! They went in to amputate, cut the achilles tendon to release her feet and she regained the use of them! She can actually stand up now, which she hasn't been able to do in almost a year! She still may lose her left foot because there is an infection there still, but losing one seems so much better than losing both!! This is so mind-blowingly awesome!!

Why didn't I know this?? Because I took some underling nurse's aide at her word when she said Mel could have no visitors. I tried to call her room a few days later and just heard the phone picked up and some serious unpleasantness on the other side, so I just stepped back and waited to hear something. A week later I call back and find out she still has both her legs! I can't believe I just wimped out like that. Now granted, I was recovering from surgery myself but I'm pretty pissed off at me right now.

I went to see her after this, and did a Reiki session with her, and it was pretty amazing so maybe I've redeemed myself at least partially. ;)


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