Saturday, October 15, 2005

I'm painting....I'm painting again...I'm painting....

I'm painting, I'm painting again.
I'm painting, I'm painting again.
I'm cleaning, I'm cleaning again.
I'm cleaning, I'm cleaning my brain.

That snippet of Talking Heads lyric keeps running through my head as I paint my bathroom a lovely shade of violet...

It's lighter...more expansive, a lot less...limiting than the purple that was there. That purple stood there like a sentinel telling me that's as far as I could go. This color is the color the sky should be. The first coat is on, and I'm letting it dry.

I can't believe all this nesting I'm doing. I'm not pregnant, that's a certainty. Not with a baby anyway. Something is going to come of this though, and it probably tastes like music.

I bought fall decorations for the front porch and a fiber optic Jack-o-Lantern for my dining room table. I'm becoming strangely...domestic. Not in any traditional way. I mean, I haven't like, cooked dinner or anything; at least not for anyone but myself. But I have been cooking my own meals for a change. I cancelled my Nutrisystem order and have been making my own little low fat pizzas and noodles, food that I actually like. I'm simplifying in ways that have always seemed unreachable complex before. And I owe it all to the Flylady.

Musical recommendation of the day:
GREEN DAY - American Idiot

Many thanks to my oldest friend Kyle for realizing how important it was for me to hear this album, so much that he set out for my house the moment he learned that I hadn't heard it. It rocks, so hard, so very very hard. And although I am not a "lyrics" person, these are pretty hard to ignore. Every person over the age of 13 in this country should hear this album.


Blogger AsharEdith said...

It's SO nice to read how good you are. I'm remodeling my house too... With pain that is. hehehe We just HAVE to love FlyLady. Right?

7:54 PM  
Blogger laney2217 said...

Do you know this blog?

9:36 AM  
Blogger Anna said...

Wow! Everybody's blogging these days, huh? LOL

Very interesting stuff. I may print some of it to read offline. Thanks for the heads-up!

4:48 AM  

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