Just look at that little imp!

She was peeking around the corner at the Children's Museum. We had such a blast.
I watched the first half of the Dylan documentary last night. Frankly, once it got past the footage of his influences, I didn't care any more. He seems like a dreadful person. But the old footage of Hank Williams and Muddy Waters was coolness incarnate.
Yeah, I guess it really bothered me, because I love Dylan's music. And now I have to know that he is a thief, an egomaniac and a huckster. This is why I hate to know anything about my favorite artists. It's like when I met Adrian Belew. It just sucked all the magic out of his music for me. ::sigh::
It is like when you read a book and you realize that the author really "gets" you - you communicate on this deep level. And then read an interview and the guy is a total prick. Of course, on the flip side, I am hoping this means that I don't need to work on any of my personality flaws to become the next great American author. :)
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