Sunday, October 23, 2005

Just when I was beginning to lose interest in Anne Rice...

She has been one of my favorite authors. I have delved deeply into her vampire series, her Mayfair witch series, and all the peripheral books, including those by A. Roquelaire (naughty, very naughty)...but I was beginning to see the end of my interest in her gothic emoscapes when today I learn that she has gone through some major changes.

Apparently, Anne Rice has found God. And she intends to write about Him, using her old BDSM nom de plume, none the less. About Jesus, in particular. Her newest novel, not yet released, "Christ the Lord, Out of Eqypt", is told from the point of view of a 7 year old Jesus. Oooh, this is tasty. I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

I hate football.

Hate. I hate it. I hate the way it looks, I hate the way it smells, I particularly hate the way it sounds...and I hate the fact that other people don't hate it. I have always hated it and I will hate it until the day I die, probably from a heart attack induced by being forced to listen to or watch football. It makes my stomach turn. Literally. It causes my internal organs to churn against one another. It makes my heart leap up into my throat and try to strangle me in a merciful attempt to put me out of my misery.

Boy, I picked the wrong state to have been born in.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

To the beautiful soul who sent me two CD's from my Amazon Wish List ~ WOW!! Thank you! No, I never expected that anyone would really send me anything! What an amazing surprise. And I swear, if I had chosen two CD's myself from my list, those would have been the two I would have chosen. I am bowled over.

So fess up ~ who did it?? My curiosity runneth over!

Well, whoever you made my week. Thank you!

For the curious...the two CD's I received today are:

Porcupine Tree ~ In Absentia ~ the CD I tried to buy the other day and was out of stock and

The soundtrack to The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, which features the most amazing covers of several David Bowie songs done by the Brazilian singer/songwriter Seu Jorge.


Saturday, October 15, 2005

I'm painting....I'm painting again...I'm painting....

I'm painting, I'm painting again.
I'm painting, I'm painting again.
I'm cleaning, I'm cleaning again.
I'm cleaning, I'm cleaning my brain.

That snippet of Talking Heads lyric keeps running through my head as I paint my bathroom a lovely shade of violet...

It's lighter...more expansive, a lot less...limiting than the purple that was there. That purple stood there like a sentinel telling me that's as far as I could go. This color is the color the sky should be. The first coat is on, and I'm letting it dry.

I can't believe all this nesting I'm doing. I'm not pregnant, that's a certainty. Not with a baby anyway. Something is going to come of this though, and it probably tastes like music.

I bought fall decorations for the front porch and a fiber optic Jack-o-Lantern for my dining room table. I'm becoming strangely...domestic. Not in any traditional way. I mean, I haven't like, cooked dinner or anything; at least not for anyone but myself. But I have been cooking my own meals for a change. I cancelled my Nutrisystem order and have been making my own little low fat pizzas and noodles, food that I actually like. I'm simplifying in ways that have always seemed unreachable complex before. And I owe it all to the Flylady.

Musical recommendation of the day:
GREEN DAY - American Idiot

Many thanks to my oldest friend Kyle for realizing how important it was for me to hear this album, so much that he set out for my house the moment he learned that I hadn't heard it. It rocks, so hard, so very very hard. And although I am not a "lyrics" person, these are pretty hard to ignore. Every person over the age of 13 in this country should hear this album.

Thursday, October 13, 2005


So Alabama makes its mark on national news once again, and here in our own home town. ::sigh:: I can't even imagine what sort of people the rest of the world imagine that we are.

I feel a little hypocritical about the fish. It horrifies me that anyone could eat a live creature. But is it really better to kill it first, then eat it? It's probably all the same to the's been murdered either way. And since it isn't a particularly sentient creature, does it realize the distinction in horror between being slaughtered and being eaten alive? I doubt it.

I guess the horror exists in the hearts and minds of the children being encouraged to participate in this carnage. And it does become more horrifying when we contemplate eating an animal which we typically keep as a PET. Those of us who are carnivores think nothing of consuming a beef cow or a chicken, but the idea of eating a horse or a dog or a parrot is almost as revolting as the notion of consuming human flesh. So, although I will chow down on a plate of tilapia with great pleasure, I can't consider eating a fish that looks like one who lived in its own tank in my bedroom when I was 8, and whom I named Swishie.

So, is this some form of animal racism (speciesism??) on my part? Should I really be making these distinctions? How is it any more wrong to eat a cat than to eat a pig? Morally, I just don't think it is. It's purely a matter of social convention.

So, what the minister at First Assembly really did was to defy social convention, no more, no less. He stepped out of the box in order to cause some sort of spiritual awakening in his disciples. And he was apparently successful, as a few were baptized as a result of that stunt. After a few days of mulling this over, I've come to the conclusion that especially as an eclectic Pagan and a meat-eater, I have no right to question his methods. If I were a Vegan, I could sit in judgment all day long.

However you look at it, it's embarrassing to everyone in this state because on the surface of things, this just seems to bolster long-held stereotypes of Alabamians as backwards holy-roller rednecks.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

No worries

Just heard from the doc, and my biopsy came out perfectly! :)

I knew it would, but it sure is great to hear the official word.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Well, I knew it was inevitable....

but hearing the actual annoucement this morning that Judge Roy Moore is running for governor of this state with his new slogan, "Return Alabama to the Dark Ages" or something, really sent me reeling into a sense of complete unreality that has been trying to engulf me ever since Katrina.

He actually said the following:
"But I'll tell you what I will do. I will defend the right of every citizen of this state -- including judges, coaches, teachers, city, county and state officials -- to acknowledge God as the sovereign source of law, liberty and government."

Let me repeat that last bit:
"to acknowledge God as the sovereign source of law, liberty and government."

His God, obviously. The big imaginary Santa Claus in the sky. The sovereign source of law and government.

The scariest thing about this is that the man has a very good chance of winning. Stupid people abound in this state. I can attest to that. This ain't good, people. But I do know that a lot of folks around here are furious with him for wasting so much of our tax money on his idiot crusade. Let us pray that cooler minds will prevail.

This might be a good time to link to this:
Jimmy Carter explains how the Christian Right is neither.

Monday, October 03, 2005

I'll give it a seven...

I had the biopsy this morning, and should find out something in a couple of days. I'm really not too worried; my surgeon and the radiologist both seemed confident that it will be fine. The nurses asked me to rate the pain from 1-10. I told them it didn't hurt; it was just incredibly weird. I gave it a 7 on the weirdness scale.

I'm digging my new White Stripes album, "Get Behind Me Satan". That kind of minimalist rock is just so refreshing.

The news has just reached me that Kate Bush, after a 12 year hiatus to raise her son, is releasing, at long last, her new album! It's called Aerial, and is due out on Nov. 7. I adore her music, and am praying that this one is better than the rather disappointing "Red Shoes", which was her last offering. I've been asking myself though, if I heard Red Shoes, not knowing who it was, would I like it? Probably. Probably a lot. It's just that her earlier work was so ground-breaking that Red Shoes just seemed pedestrian in comparison.

At this point, I just want to hear her voice.
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