Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Merry Christmas

I never thought in my entire life that I would begin to cringe when I hear those words. This media-manufactured "War on Christmas" has turned a perfectly innocent blessing into a bigoted statement. Now, when I hear "Merry Christmas" used pointedly as it is being used these days, I don't feel blessed. I feel like I'm being told that their holiday is inherently better than my Yule, or his Chanukah, or her Kwanzaa.

This Solstice holiday is much older than Christ, although his life and teachings have enriched it tenfold.

I want to recapture the true spirit of the season, when for just a while, we could be tolerant of others.


Blogger laney2217 said...

lovely post... beautifully put...

4:36 AM  

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