Thursday, November 17, 2005

America's Top Model

Why can't I seem to care about the women on that show? Everyone I know at work seems to be completely riveted to this thing, and I've watched it twice, under extreme duress, trying to capture the essence. The essence seems to be viciousness, ego, cattiness, shallowness and being naked. Now the naked thing I can dig I guess, but I would rather see some healthy people naked than a pack of photogenic skeletons.

But I digress. My point is that everyone but me gets it. I'm told it's rather like watching a train wreck. And I did have kind of that feeling about it, like when Cops accidentally comes on the TV and you don't change the channel because damn. But I don't tune in again the next week. This kind of TV viewing doesn't happen on purpose.

So what am I not getting? What's wrong with me? Do I just not have the competitive gene? Maybe that's it. Or maybe I just can't comprehend that one or the other of these creatures could possibly be any better or worse than the other. Their fate does not interest me.

I do understand that one of them peed in an adult diaper on camera recently, as a lark, to liven things up a bit. And I missed it.


Blogger laney2217 said...

Do you know Rachel Stile? I think you would like her music. I just heard her yesterday and there are some qualities reminescent of Kate Bush and Tori Amos about her voice... but she different...

7:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont feel bad i dont understand said show either

11:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally I don't think a woman is sexxy unless she weighs AT LEAST 170. I doubt their are any girls for me on that show. Remember... "Going to bed with a skinny woman is like throwing yourself onto a pile of coathangers"

1:01 PM  
Blogger laney2217 said...

yikes... I got her name wrong... (Confusing a visual artist with a muscian... bad form. It's Rachel Sage...

Happy Thanksgiving.

5:36 PM  

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