I was thinking about joining this cult...
So I was alphabetically arranging my spice shelf yesterday, and I had to wonder, am I taking this Flylady thing a little to seriously??? I honestly don't want to go anywhere anymore. I just want to stay home and clean my house. It's crazy. But I can honestly say that I love it.
I do need to get out more though, and yesterday I did go to a Falun Gong demonstration at the Library. I am ashamed to say that yesterday was the first time I have ever stepped foot in our new breathtakingly beautiful, state of the art library which has been there for at least 3 years now. It is indeed fabulous. Kyle (reference librarian extraordinaire and my oldest friend) gave me the quick tour.
And I enjoyed the Falon Gong exercises a lot. It's very similar to some of the Ki Gong (qigong) work that I do regularly, but there was one exercise that I particularly liked. It did a wonderful job of completing an energy circuit. I also appreciated the teachings, which center on three principles; Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.
However, after I got home and did some more reading about the Falun Dafa (practitioners of Falun Gong), I was appalled at some of the teachings of Master Li, the founder of the practice. He is a racist and a homophobe, teaching that children of mixed unions have no place in heaven, and that homosexuality is morally degenerate. So although I had thought that I might continue a Falon Gong practice (there's a local group every Sat. at 3), I can't do that now. I hadn't thought much of the fact that their symbology prominently includes the ancient srivatsa, which was utilized by the Nazis as the swastika...but now that I know Master Li's thoughts on racial mixing, I have to wonder if there is a deliberate correlation to Hitler's philosophies. The symbol:

The Falun Dafa in China are undergoing serious persecution. Thousands have been rounded up and incarcerated for their beliefs, and almost 3,000 have been tortured to death. China is very, very nervous about a group which now has many more members than the Communist party in China. And although I don't agree with China's brutal tactics and disregard for the most basic of human rights, I'm a little nervous about them too. I got a really weird vibe from the folks I met yesterday. It was practically evangelical. :::shudder::::
I do need to get out more though, and yesterday I did go to a Falun Gong demonstration at the Library. I am ashamed to say that yesterday was the first time I have ever stepped foot in our new breathtakingly beautiful, state of the art library which has been there for at least 3 years now. It is indeed fabulous. Kyle (reference librarian extraordinaire and my oldest friend) gave me the quick tour.
And I enjoyed the Falon Gong exercises a lot. It's very similar to some of the Ki Gong (qigong) work that I do regularly, but there was one exercise that I particularly liked. It did a wonderful job of completing an energy circuit. I also appreciated the teachings, which center on three principles; Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.
However, after I got home and did some more reading about the Falun Dafa (practitioners of Falun Gong), I was appalled at some of the teachings of Master Li, the founder of the practice. He is a racist and a homophobe, teaching that children of mixed unions have no place in heaven, and that homosexuality is morally degenerate. So although I had thought that I might continue a Falon Gong practice (there's a local group every Sat. at 3), I can't do that now. I hadn't thought much of the fact that their symbology prominently includes the ancient srivatsa, which was utilized by the Nazis as the swastika...but now that I know Master Li's thoughts on racial mixing, I have to wonder if there is a deliberate correlation to Hitler's philosophies. The symbol:

The Falun Dafa in China are undergoing serious persecution. Thousands have been rounded up and incarcerated for their beliefs, and almost 3,000 have been tortured to death. China is very, very nervous about a group which now has many more members than the Communist party in China. And although I don't agree with China's brutal tactics and disregard for the most basic of human rights, I'm a little nervous about them too. I got a really weird vibe from the folks I met yesterday. It was practically evangelical. :::shudder::::
So the Flylady thing is working for you? I've been thinking about joining (that is the cult I thought you were referring to in your post title until I read the entire thing) but don't want to commit until I am sure I am actually committed. Of course, if I were capable of making the commitment, I wouldn't need Flylady so guess I should just take the plunge. But not quite yet.
Hey, don't worry about jumping right in to the Flylady thing. Nobody does everything in her system all at once. It's all about taking baby steps, and learning that perfectionism is the enemy. I love her quote, "Housework done incorrectly still blesses your home". Just that concept right there gave me so much freedom. I can't tell you how many times I've need to do something but didn't do it because I didn't think I had time to do it perfectly.
There's no commitment, the program is free, and you are never behind.
There are a lot of emails on that list, and it can look overwhelming unless you realize that most of them aren't even meant to be opened. They're just reminders...you just glance at the subject line and delete them. And then the testimonials are great.
It has literally changed my life. I'm a true convert! LOL
Do I know you, edieraye? Are you local? The local group is meeting this Saturday at 3 p.m. at the Florence Library. :)
Email me if you want to chat any more about Flylady. Or anything else, of course!!
That IS such a great quote. I finally gave in and got a cleaning lady but that doesn't mean that I don't need to develop some positive daily habits. You aren't the first person I've heard wonderful things from so I'll definitely give it a try.
No, we haven't met but somehow you ended up on my list of RPeeps. Do you use a different name at RadioParadise? I've kept a list of RP sites for quite some time so you might not even hang out there anymore. Anyway, that's how I ended up here.
Thanks for the encouragment. I'm sure I'll need lots more of it once I start!
OK, now I remember when we "met"! LOL
It was when the RP site was down. I don't hang out on RP much, but I'm a supporter, and I listen every single day! I can't quite get the hang of the RP forums, though I really should try now that I'm kind of without an internet home. My name there is Isobel. :)
Lucky, lucky you with a cleaning lady! That rocks hard. At least now, after Flying for a few months, I wouldn't be mortified to have a cleaning lady walk into my home! I used to banish the thought because a cleaning lady would have run screaming from my clutter! Now all I have to do is figure out a way to afford one! ;)
Write me any time you want to talk Flying, music or anything else! It's musicmovesme(AT)gmail.com. :)
I thought you was refering to Flylady as a cult thing. LOL I'm glad to see you are doing well.
See ya!
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