Out of the corner of my eye...
All evening, even when we had company here and conversation was lively, I kept seeing someone out of the corner of my eye; someone who isn't there when I turn to look. Now our guest has gone home, my husband has gone to bed and I am still seeing someone there. I'm getting awfully spooked here. Weird notions come to mind. My dear mother lived with me during the final years of her life. Just yesterday, I finally took down off the wall of what was her bedroom, two placemats depicting travel scenes that she loved, and a calendar still open to June of 2003, which was when she died. Is she protesting this? I can't stand to think of my mother as some sort of restless spirit. Of course, I've always considered ghosts to be, not the person from whom they were generated, but aspects of that person, somehow recorded into the spirit of a place
OMG I'm freezing. It's like ice in here. Oh yeah...I turned the air down earlier...I'm really doing number on myself. I need to go to bed and stop letting my imagination run wild.
A picture of Mother around 1940:
OMG I'm freezing. It's like ice in here. Oh yeah...I turned the air down earlier...I'm really doing number on myself. I need to go to bed and stop letting my imagination run wild.
A picture of Mother around 1940:

Wow! Your mother was GORGOUS!!! And you look just like her! :-) I think you should put those pics back up and see what happens. :-) I think she's there with you. Perhaps she thinks your letting her go by taking down the remaining items of hers?? I have no idea. I wish I had "visits" from my dad sometimes....but usually its just dreams that he is in. And hes always normal, like he was before the cancer, the brain surgeries and all that chemo.
If it is your mom, you have nothing to be scared about. :-) shes watching over you because she loves you.
big hugs Anna!!
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