Artbabe just flipped a light on inside my head today; she was talking about using your own unique observations and knowledge to create your work. And someone on the radio today was talking about the old adage "write about what you know" ~ I think he was some sort of larcenous criminal who ended up as a successful writer of crime novels. Anyway, obviously this is a message I'm meant to get today and I feel much better about my pictures now.
I know absolutely ZIP about photography, but I intend to actually read the manual that came with my camera this weekend, for the start of an education. So far I've pretty much left it on it's "Automatic" setting. Then I figure there must be some really good sites on the net. I really don't want to commit to a class, but I do think I should have some basic knowledge before I lose a really good shot through my
own ignorance.
I just keep seeing things that I feel compelled to photograph. All kinds of things seem to be hitting me that way, and I think it may have a lot to do with my recent battle with breast cancer. Everything just looks a little more stunning; everything catches my eye.
She also set off a question in my head. If I were to offer CD's for sale on this blog, would that violate my agreement with Blogger? I guess I need to re-read the terms.
Here's what I'm struggling with today. I want to invite my almost-4-year-old step-granddaughter to spend the night Saturday, and I really want to take her to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We took her to see her first movie, Madagascar, a few months ago. Here's my problem. I can't imagine a movie without popcorn. Or a sleepover without pizza (she likes cheese pizza with ranch dressing!) This is the kind of situation where I traditionally just give myself a Get Out of Jail Free card and throw caution to the winds. I have to learn to experience life without punctuating all pleasures with food.
I'm still on a 100% streak, and still exercising every morning! And I'm still gaining weight. :::sigh::: I feel like my belly is getting bigger every day. If it weren't physically impossible, I would wonder if I'm pregant fercryinoutloud.
And now, for no particular reason, a couple pictures of trucks, both taken from inside my car while riding down the road, one while I was driving (now, that's obsession.):

I know absolutely ZIP about photography, but I intend to actually read the manual that came with my camera this weekend, for the start of an education. So far I've pretty much left it on it's "Automatic" setting. Then I figure there must be some really good sites on the net. I really don't want to commit to a class, but I do think I should have some basic knowledge before I lose a really good shot through my
own ignorance.
I just keep seeing things that I feel compelled to photograph. All kinds of things seem to be hitting me that way, and I think it may have a lot to do with my recent battle with breast cancer. Everything just looks a little more stunning; everything catches my eye.
She also set off a question in my head. If I were to offer CD's for sale on this blog, would that violate my agreement with Blogger? I guess I need to re-read the terms.
Here's what I'm struggling with today. I want to invite my almost-4-year-old step-granddaughter to spend the night Saturday, and I really want to take her to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We took her to see her first movie, Madagascar, a few months ago. Here's my problem. I can't imagine a movie without popcorn. Or a sleepover without pizza (she likes cheese pizza with ranch dressing!) This is the kind of situation where I traditionally just give myself a Get Out of Jail Free card and throw caution to the winds. I have to learn to experience life without punctuating all pleasures with food.
I'm still on a 100% streak, and still exercising every morning! And I'm still gaining weight. :::sigh::: I feel like my belly is getting bigger every day. If it weren't physically impossible, I would wonder if I'm pregant fercryinoutloud.
And now, for no particular reason, a couple pictures of trucks, both taken from inside my car while riding down the road, one while I was driving (now, that's obsession.):

oh, i really like the bottom one!!! looks like gum! hehehe...
and could you please be careful while driving!! good lord woman! LOL...that could be dangerous!
and good for you getting the manual out! hehehe...i need to do that for my digital as well...but im looking to get a new one nexr yr..and SLR. can't wait!
Thanks for the free publicity! These are fantastic. I've done the same thing only looking out the windshield sometimes with "hand on the wheel" included. You have a really good eye. Glad I've met you. artbabe
It DOES look like bubble gum....
That is exactly what I thought when I saw it!! As soon as I got up close it really did look like bubble gum. And I thought, does the guy who owns this truck just stick his gum on the trailer every day?? He has quite a collection!
ROFL!!! Wouldn't that have been cool though? A trucker with a bubble gum collection!!! :o) Too funny!!!!
! I love the colors on the bottom one it's fantastic. Good placement in the frame. It's a shame about the bit of the car, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
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