Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I'm not here...I'm at MySpace.

I've given up trying to update two blogs. So for now, since most of my real life friends are on MySpace, that's where I'll be. So if you want to stalk me, go here.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

U.S. soldier is blown up and ends up having to pay for his armor?????

OK, try to get your mind around this. An American soldier was wounded in battle, his armor was stripped from him and now that he is having to leave the Army, he has been forced to pay $700 for his armor because no one documented the fact that it was destroyed. Read the article. It is blowing my mind.

So, let me get this straight. A soldier is forbidden to buy decent armor, is forced to use what the army issues him, and then when it is blown to smithereens and he is taken away on a stretcher with shattered limbs, he is eventually required to pay for the crappy armor because no one filled out the correct report.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Amazing musical experience

I took today off to celebrate my birthday, which gave me plenty of time to enjoy First Friday. It was fabulous, even in the driving wind and rain. Shaolin Computers was hosting Steve Richerson and showing The Burgler, I got to see some great old Landrum photos of Florence, but the thing that had me tripping in the clouds was the music.

I wanted to hear Jim Wisniewski. I'm a fan, and I was so jazzed to hear that he was playing with Wayne Sides and Jake Berry at Lori Davis Gallery. Sadly, he didn't show up. But Sides and Berry, along with a young bass player I didn't know, played a long, luxurious ambient jam...guitar, bass and keyboard...that totally rocked my world. I'm getting tingly just remembering it now.

I listened for at least an hour before my anxiety got the better of me. I'm not too comfortable in public these days. I'm fine for short periods of time, but then the panic sets in. Not sure what's going on there. I just get the urge for going.

But before I freaked out, I was desperately longing to be a part of it, to drum with them, sing, or something. Music creation is about to become a part of my life, no matter what.
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